Tashkent - the Star of the East
Tashkent (Toshkent – in Uzbek) is a modern metropolis; in addition it is the capital of independent Uzbekistan. The city is located on the north-east in the fertile valley of the oasis of Chirchik River, at an altitude of 440-480 meters above sea level. The city covers an area equal to 334.8 square kilometers (according to 2010 year) and is constantly expanding. Its population consists of 2,5 million people: 73% - ethnic Uzbeks, 18% - Russian, 9% - other nationalities. Uzbek used to be a state language, although almost everybody in the capital speaks Russian. At the same time, many inhabitants speak foreign languages, such as English, German and French. The vast majority of people are Sunni Muslims, but other religions are tolerated. Therefore, Russian Orthodox Church, as well as Roman Catholic Church and Synagogue operate in Tashkent.
Region's climate is moderately - continental, all four annual seasons are distinctive here. Winter’s minimum temperatures is of -25 C, maximum summer performance is up to + 45 C (in shade). The main amount of precipitation falls in spring and autumn periods.
The city is located in the zone of seismic activity.
The history of Tashkent has already more than 2000 years. During these years the city traversed a glorious path from a small village to one of the largest and most beautiful cities in Central Asia.
The first sedentary settlement – Shashtepa, situated in the territory of Tashkent, was found by archaeologists in the southern part of the modern metropolis. It is dated II - I century BC, that was the exact village, which became a starting point for the history of this great city.
During the years of its establishment, the town changed its name several times (Shashtepa, Chach, Binkent, Tashkent), has seen many invaders (Arabs VIII century, Mongols XIII century), was a member of the great empires and the Khans (such as Karahanids and Khorezmshah in X-XIII centuries, Temurids in XIV-XV centuries, Sheybanids in XVI-XVII centuries, Kokand Khanate XVIII century), was annexed by the troops of Tsarist Russia and became the center of the Turkestan governor-generalship in 1868 year.
Due to the October Revolution of 1917 year, Tashkent, in 1930 year was proclaimed the capital of UzSSR, one of the republics of the USSR.
And only in 1991 year the city acquired its current status - the capital of independent Republic of Uzbekistan.
These days, Tashkent is a political and economic core of Uzbekistan. Here is the residence of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Legislative Chamber and Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Cabinet of Ministers, Embassies and missions of foreign countries, as well as the head offices of Ministries, agencies and public organizations of the republic.
Tashkent - is the largest industrial center in the region. It accounts for 20% of all products that are produced in Uzbekistan. Major manufacturing industry in the city is the engineering; there are about a dozen large plants that produce thousands of different products from aircraft and tractors to the individual parts. There are factories, producing electronic equipment, control systems and communications facilities.
Enterprises of light, chemical, petrochemical, also based in the city of enterprises of light, chemical, petrochemical, construction, food and chemical and pharmaceutical industries are also based in the town.
The capital of the country - is the largest transportation hub - the center of the railways and highways in the region, the intersection of air routes.
There are two railway stations, serving the long-distance and local lines, two airports, several bus stations for shuttle buses.
The city has developed ground infrastructure of urban transport: buses (Mercedes-Benz), taxis, trams (recently renovated park) and urban passenger cab. In 1977 year the most favorite mode of urban inhabitants’ transportation-Tashkent subway, was commissioned. Nowadays, 3-valid lines belong to it, which cover almost all districts of Tashkent.
Tashkent, without exaggeration – is considered to be the center of scientific, cultural and educational life of the country. The city is home for hundreds of relevant organizations, including the Research institutes of Uzbekistan, under the leadership of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, more than twenty Tashkent universities that train specialists of high level for all areas of the economy, including the Westminster International University, National University of Uzbekistan, Medical School, Tashkent theatre-art institute and others.
There are also 11 theaters here, including Theater of Opera and Ballet, 22 museums, exhibition halls, cinemas, libraries, stadiums and sports grounds.
The capital of the country is proud of the wonderful monuments of antiquity, carefully preserved in the city. These are memorial complexes of Sheikhantaur and Zanghi-ata, Madrassah of Kukeldash, ensemble of Hazrat Imam and Mosques of Jamia, Namazgokh, Tilla-Sheikh.
At the same time, the overall artistic value of the city, as an object of modern urbanism, can not be denied. Antiquities are skillfully woven into a colorful canvas of a huge metropolis, examples of modern architecture are made in national style and even the structure of the times "victorious socialism" looks pretty organic.
Numerous parks and gardens abound with charming fountains, tree-lined avenues give a welcome coolness in hot summer, broad streets and avenues allow you to get the grand scale of the city. Even the highest peaks of the foothills of the Tien Shan Mountains, which are clearly visible in clear weather, are the exotic backdrop of infinitely loved, noisy hive, combining age-old wisdom of the East and the reckless daring of youth, whose name is Tashkent.
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